David W. Kim is an Associate Professor at the Research School of Social Science and the School of History. David's research focuses on safety and risk management for astronauts in deep space travel, specifically on psychological well-being during Mars Missions. David is currently exploring the potential role of animals, namely dogs, in reducing the emergence rate of behavioural health and performance decrements such as loneliness, mental and emotional strain, fear, lethargy, lack of enthusiasm, and violence in the long-term astronaut. David is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (RHistS), United Kingdom; a Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society (RAS), United Kingdom; Chair for the ANU Religion Conference Committee; a Member for UNESCO World Heritage Committee, Korea Government; and Chair for the National Association of Foreign Scholars in Korea (NAFSIK). He is serving as a visiting scholar at the Harvard Divinity School from September 2023 to May 2024.