Meet the Mission Specialists
InSpace currently works with 18 Mission Specialists across five colleges, collating and catalysing space research at ANU.

Zena Assaad
ANU College of Engineering, Computing and CyberneticsSenior Research Fellow

Francis Bennet
ANU College of ScienceAssociate Professor

Ben Bramble
ANU College of ScienceLecturer

Caitlin Byrt
ANU College of ScienceProfessor

John Close
ANU College of ScienceProfessor

Doris Grosse
ANU College of ScienceResearch Fellow

Junichiro Kawaguchi
ANU College of Engineering, Computing and CyberneticsProfessor

David W. Kim
ANU College of Arts and Social SciencesAssociate Professor

Penelope King
ANU College of ScienceProfessor
Hanna Kurniawati
ANU College of Engineering, Computing and CyberneticsProfessor

Rob Mahony
ANU College of Engineering, Computing and CyberneticsProfessor

Kirk McKenzie
ANU College of ScienceProfessor

Maria Racionero
ANU College of Business and EconomicsAssociate Professor

Tracy Smart
ANU College of Health and MedicineProfessor Air Vice-Marshal (Ret)

Paul Tregoning
ANU College of ScienceProfessor

Eduardo Trifoni
ANU College of ScienceDirector, National Space Test Facility

Emma Tucker
ANU College of Health and MedicineResearch Fellow

Marta Yebra
ANU College of ScienceAssociate Professor