InSpace Mission Control Team
Under the direction of Professor Anna Moore, Mission Control is comprised of associate directors, business development managers, and marketing & communications and operations specialists.
Professor Anna Moore

Professor Anna Moore

Cassandra Steer headshot

Cassandra Steer

Associate Director, Mission Specialists
Kate Ferguson headshot

Kate Ferguson

Associate Director, Strategic Projects
Natasha Disha headshot

Natasha Disha

Business Development Manager
Anupam Kumar Pilli headshot

Anupam Kumar Pilli

Business Development Manager
Chris Kourloufas headshot

Chris Kourloufas

Business Development Manager
Krysia Derecki

Krysia Derecki

Manager, Marketing and Communications
Benjamin Bek headshot

Benjamin Bek

Associate Director, Program Delivery and Operations
logo placeholder image

Annette Kimber

Senior Institute Administrator / Executive Assistant to Professor Anna Moore