Congratulations to iLAuNCH Trailblazer, our ANU team, and our industry partners on another successful project launch!
"A wearable device to track, analyse and predict astronaut health" will have incredible applications for making space travel safer, and also translates to improved health care here on Earth, especially in remote areas.
We can't wait to see this project develop!
We're heading to the stars! 🌌👩🚀
iLAuNCH, in collaboration with The Australian National University, Axiom Space, and Aqacia, is developing a revolutionary wearable Space Health Device that will sense, transmit, and real-time assess health data in remote areas including sub-orbital flights.
Further developing our project with Aspen Medical, Liquid Instruments and Saber Astronautics, this phase will include in-space testing, integrating the project for a future spaceflight.
This is a fantastic opportunity for Australian technology to make its mark on the global space industry!
Read more: https://ilaunch.space/media-release/a-wearable-device-to-track-analyse-and-predict-astronaut-health/