ANU attends WildFireSat Stakeholders Meeting at Canadian Space Agency
InSpace team at WildFireSat Stakeholders Meeting at Canadian Space Agency

Left to right: Amit Parashar, Canadian Astronaut David Saint-Jacques, Marta Yebra, and the WildFireSat mission team: Joshua Johnston, Denis Dufour, Mark de Jong, and Helena (Marleen) van Mierlo

ANU InSpace Mission Specialist and Bushfire Research Centre of Excellence Director, Professor Marta Yebra, and ANU InSpace iLAuNCH Trailblazer Project Director, Amit Parashar, headed to Canada last week for the WildFireSat Stakeholders Meeting at the Canadian Space Agency.

Australia and Canada are looking for opportunities to work together to launch an international constellation of satellites to support bushfire management and resilience to climate change, tackling a critical issue that both countries are committed to solving.
Canada is launching WildFireSat in 2029, consisting of three satellites for fire detection and monitoring. This project highlights the importance of supporting developments for the highly complementary Australian OzFuel flammability monitoring payload.